Jan 6, 2012

Week 1 -- The Spanglish Sandwich a.k.a. the BELT

As an easy start to my new years resolution/goal , I decided to recreate the sandwich from the movie Spanglish. In this movie, there's this somewhat romantic scene where Adam Sandler prepares what is said to be the most delicious sandwich ever for his love interest. I'm not so sure it's the most delicious..... but it is extremely tasty.

So in the movie, he makes only one sandwich. I noticed that this shouldn't be attempted to make in batches. Due to the ingredients cooling down, if you take too long on one step, the final product doesn't look as appealing.

Spanglish Sandwich
Country White bread (2 slices)
Monterrey Jack cheese (1 slice)
Lean bacon (2-3 strips)
1 large egg prepared over easy
Large tomato (1-2 slices)
Butter Lettuce
Mayonnaise (1 Tbsp)
Butter (1 Tbsp)

Step 1: Cook bacon and cheese toast
Place the Monterrey Jack cheese on a slice of bread and place in an oven or toaster on low heat. I used about 200 degrees. You don't want this to actually toast, but just melt the cheese. While this is heating, fry up the bacon. As in all cases, leaner bacon is better as it won't shrivel up so much. Do your best to keep the bacon flat. Place the cooked bacon on a paper towel to dry.

Step 2: Sandwich essentials
Spread the mayonnaise on the remaining slice of bread and top with healthy looking butter lettuce. Place the tomato slices on the lettuce. As a tip for slicing tomatoes, use a very sharp knife and cut thick slices. This reduces the tendency of the tomato squishing.

Step 3: Egg over easy
Prepare to fry an egg. First off, you want to be using good quality large eggs. Some eggs spread too quickly and the edges get a little too crispy. The egg also needs to be cooked over easy. Heat a tablespoon of butter on a skillet and wait for it to melt. At this time, remove the cheese/toast from the oven and place the “degreased” bacon on top. Once the butter is melted, swirl the butter around the pan and start cooking the egg. You’ll want the heat around medium with a cover on the pan. Once the egg is cooked enough to move around the pan when you lift the handle, add salt and pepper to the egg and finish cooking.

Step 4: Presentation
For this step, get a nice serving plate and place the cheese/toast/bacon slice on it. Put the hot egg on top and flip the tomato/lettuce/mayo slice on top to complete the sandwich. Make sure whoever you’re making this for is watching for the cut. Cut the sandwich in half width-wise making sure that the egg yolk was punctured. Don’t try and get all cutesie and go for a triangle, it will ruin the effect. Definitely eat this quickly as the tomato will cool down the egg fast.

A couple of notes on batch sandwich making. This requires an egg over easy. The butter is definitely the way to go with frying the egg for flavor but should be limited to 2 eggs at a time. I tried vegetable oil and the flavor wasn’t as good and it actually over cooked the eggs. The best way to go is have everything ready for all sandwiches and use as many pans as you can for the eggs. This way the eggs are cooked properly and don’t become medium cooked.  When cutting multiple sandwiches, wipe the knife off after each cut. The yolk from the previous sandwich gets all over the top slice of the new sandwich. Oh yeah,,,,the reason I called it a BELT is it's basically a BaconLettuceTomato with Egg... thus BELT